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Record ID: 14d40d07-1673-4aa0-8786-b40e52cbf873
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Type: Submission
Title: Submission to the Victorian Government in response to the discussion paper on proposed ‘failure to protect’ laws’
Authors: Victorian Family Violence Justice Reform Campaign
Keywords: Homicide;Child protection;Impact on children and young people;Criminal justice responses;Policy;Legal issues;Legislation analysis
Topic: Policing and legal responses
Year: 2011
Publisher: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Notes:  This paper is a response from several community agencies and peak bodies to the Victorian Government’s Department of Justice 2011 call for submissions on the ‘Failure to Project’ Laws Discussion Paper:. ‘Failure to protect’ legislation aims to implement offences for adults who fail to take action when they know or believe that a child who they have custody or care of or live in the same household as is suffering sexual abuse or abuse that may result in serious injury or death or when a child in the same household dies due to child abuse and the adult was aware of the abuse and its seriousness.
Physical description: 26 p.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous

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