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Record ID: 71503ee1-0b91-46cc-b9ab-8f5fdf65a4f7
Type: Booklet
Title: Handbook of children, culture, and violence
Authors: Dowd, Nancy E
Wilson, Robin Fretwell
Singer, Dorothy G
Keywords: Child protection;Impact on children and young people;Family law
Year: 2006
Publisher: Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks
Notes:  General Overview: This book on children, culture and violence contains two chapters which consider the legal approach to child witnesses of domestic violence in United States (US) courts.

Discussion: In Chapter 1, Naomi Cahn considers the impact on children of witnessing domestic violence, including behavioural effects, effects on relationships with parents and siblings, and long term effects. She also considers treatment options for the children and the batterers. Legal approaches to child exposure to domestic violence are discussed, both in the family law (known in the US as custody and visitation) and child protection jurisdictions.

In Chapter 2, Thomas D Lyon and Mindy B Mechanic undertake a more detailed examination of how witnessing domestic violence has been treated in family courts and “dependency” (child protection) courts in the US. Arguments made by advocates for battered women in family court, emphasising the harm to children who witness domestic violence, have been used against battered women in dependency courts to remove their children from them. Courts have been required to assess the relative merits of allowing children to remain with their mothers’, with the unreliable protection of a restraining order or sending them to foster care. The authors call for policy makers and researchers to better identify ways of keeping children safe.
ISBN: 9781412913690
Physical description: 483 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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