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Record ID: d4e211a9-7164-4444-8ca8-6723affb33c5
Type: Poster
Title: There's no pride in domestic violence [poster]
Authors: ACON, the Same Sex Domestic Violence Interagency Working Group and the NSW Attorney General's Department
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Client resources
Year: 2004
Publisher: ACON, the NSW Attorney General's Department and the SSDV Interagency Working Party
Notes:  URL of the Same Sex Domestic Violence Interagency is
Text at the top of the poster reads: ' There's no Pride in Domestic Violence'. There is a large heart made up of small red hearts and one black heart. Text below the heart reads: ' Most gay and lesbian relationships are based on love and respect. Some are based on abuse and control. Domestic violence exists in our relationships'. There are contact details listed at the bottom of the poster for the 24-hour DV line.
Physical description: 1 Poster ; 295 mm x 210 mm
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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