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Record ID: 4e689670-b576-4041-8fb8-2bca5a0576ef
Web resource:
Type: Leaflet
Title: Parenting, talking about separating, moving house & contact [brochure]
Authors: Women's Health West and Berry Street Victoria
Keywords: Leaving/Staying;Impact on children and young people;Client resources
Year: 2003
Publisher: Women's Health West
Notes:  See our Research & Resources database for other titles in this set.
Leaflet #7 in the "Choosing positive paths" resource kit. Offers practical ideas and tips to help parents explain separation, moving house and contact issues to children. Lists things you can do and things you can say to your child. Presents scenarios dealing with the question of contact and gives examples of what one can do or say according to the age of the children involved.
Physical description: 1 sheet; A3 folded to A4
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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