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Record ID: 1fab87ae-1841-422b-8aaf-43c2666a48c2
Web resource:
Type: Leaflet
Title: Parenting a teenager who has experienced violence [brochure]
Authors: Women's Health West and Berry Street Victoria
Keywords: Client resources;Community education;Child protection;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2003
Publisher: Women's Health West
Notes:  See our Research & Resources database for other titles in this set.
Leaflet #6 in the “Choosing positive paths” resource kit. Provides information on how teenagers think, the impact of domestic violence and ways to deal with it. Discusses the changing relationship parents have with their teenage children and issues around their exploration of sexuality at this time. Also lists the stages teens go through as they mature.
Physical description: 1 sheet; A3 folded to A4
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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