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Record ID: a9afcb87-7e07-42bb-85c6-e89b1f6c9038
Web resource:$file/JAG1077_Domestic_Violence_booklet_WEB_v3.pdf
Type: Booklet
Title: Your court, your safety : a guide to going to court and getting help with domestic violence
Authors: Department of Justice and Attorney General
Keywords: Impact on children and young people;Client resources;Legal issues;Protection orders;Family law
Year: 2010
Publisher: New South Wales Department of Justice and Attorney General, Parramatta
Notes:  This booklet provides information and guidance for victims of domestic and family violence about the legal process and support services for domestic violence in New South Wales.
Contents:  Introduction
domestic and family violence and the legal system
preparing for court
your rights as a victim of crime
family law
your safety and the impact of domestic and family violence
where to get help and support
additional support and information for people from specific groups
and glossary
Physical description: 64 p.
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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