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Record ID: 30972282-dbbd-4831-b1d8-8dae9b5d7de0
Type: kit
Title: Illuminations : sharing women's knowledge and responses to control tactics in relationships
Authors: Kyabra Community Association Inc
Keywords: Client resources;Personal stories;Informal responses
Year: 2006
Publisher: Kyabra Community Association Inc
Notes:  General Overview: This Australian kit contains 24 cards and a booklet designed to be used in conversations with women who have experienced domestic violence.

Discussion: The kit contains 12 control tactic cards, which outline tactics such as social isolation, financial control, sweet talking and verbal put-downs. It also contains 12 women’s responses cards, which illustrate how women resist or recover from control tactics. Women’s stories are used to explain the ideas. Each card is backed by an original artwork illustrating the tactics and responses.
Physical description: 24 cards; 1 booklet.
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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