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Record ID: c27875cd-c5c6-42b0-9da7-0445249bac7f
Type: kit
Title: Fabulous femmes : a resource kit : inspiration and resources to improve services for women with disabilities affected by domestic violence
Authors: Produced by the Domestic Violence Against Women With Disabilities Project
Keywords: Interagency work;Client resources;Disability
Population: People with disability
Year: 2004
Publisher: Benevolent Society, Paddington
Notes:  Implemented in partnership with The Benevolent Society, Macarthur Disability Services, a group of inspiring women with diverse abilities and a project Advisory Group. With funding from Macarthur Area Assistance Scheme. - T.p.
This resource kit aims to promote partnership between the domestic violence and disability sectors to improve services and support for women with disabilities experiencing domestic violence. It provides stories about women with disabilities and information tips on responding to women with disabilities, as well as intersectoral partnership between organisations. It contains information on the Commonwealth disability legislation, disability action plans and an example of working in partnership between the Benevolent Society and Macarthur Disability Services. It also includes useful contacts for the Macarthur region of NSW, NSW generally and nationally. Information resources for service providers and for women with disabilities are provided. It will be available online and on CD-ROM in both pdf and html formats.
Physical description: 109 p. ; ring binder
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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