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Record ID: 07d33f8e-7c73-41ff-8628-aaa00bb021df
Type: kit
Title: International day for the elimination of violence against women 25th November : IDEVAW resource kit
Authors: UNIFEM Australia
Keywords: Policy;Client resources;Sexual assault;Representations of women;Community education
Year: 2004
Publisher: Unifem Australia
Notes:  Compiled by UNIFEM Australia to promote the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (IDEVAW), this resource kit provides a background to the IDEVAW and lists the various activities and steps both women and men can take to become involved in the event. Definitions of violence against women, domestic violence, family violence, sexual and other forms of violence are provided and an overview of key statistics pertaining to the incidence, prevalence and nature of violence against women in Australia is presented. Some of the most common myths and misconceptions about domestic and other forms of violence are deconstructed and details on where to get help, further reading and resources are included.
Physical description: 30 p.
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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