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Record ID: 00e7ad36-c765-43a3-ad83-7f7c29e9afd3
Type: kit
Title: The New South Wales domestic violence core training package : adapted to provide a cross-cultural perspective
Authors: Styles, Wendy
McGregor, Heather
Gardiol, Mabelle
Stead, Deb
Keywords: CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Training
Year: 1993
Publisher: Women's Health & Sexual Assault Education Unit, [Rozelle
Notes:  For more information see "NSW Domestic Violence Core Training Package" on our Good Practice database.
"Proudly supported by New South Wales Education and Training Foundation Pty Limited"
Women's Health & Sexual Assault Education unit is now Education Centre Against Violence (Parramatta, N.S.W.)
Describes for trainers a four-day, interagency training course with detailed session plans. The course is a metaphor for intervention which examines problems in the context of clients' strengths, abilities and competencies. This is an adaptation of the original package which was conducted for two years from 1991. This adaptation includes culturally sensitive processes to enhance service providers' understanding of the issues of domestic violence in a culturally diverse society.
ISBN: 9781875398522
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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