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Record ID: 36adeeaf-017b-47c3-bdda-548abf27bb6e
Type: Card
Title: Keep safe - it's your right!
Authors: Streetwize Communications
Keywords: Client resources;Community education;Psychological abuse
Year: 2002
Publisher: Streetwize Communications, Redfern
Notes:  A series of 6 postcards for young women aged 11-16 around the issues of sexual harassment and sexual assault. The cards give advice and information on six different scenarios, as well as providing contact details for relevant organisations in NSW. The cards are being distributed throughout NSW and may be ordered from Streetwize.
Contents:  1] You have the right not to feel frightened
2] Sexual harassment can be words too : don't stand for it!
3] Do any of these sound familiar? Physical, emotional & financial abuse are not OK!
4] Don't deal with sexual harassment alone!
5] How healthy is your relationship?
6] Don't tolerate sexual harassment
Each postcard is illustrated with a cartoon drawing and one of the above captions. On the reverse side of each are contact numbers (within NSW) for legal centres and helplines.
Physical description: 6 postcards
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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