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Record ID: c901473c-084a-4039-b9b8-18c572edb600
Web resource:
Type: Leaflet
Title: Indigenous homelessness in regional AustraliaEvidence note
Authors: Australian Homelessness Clearinghouse
Keywords: Regional rural and remote areas;Housing;Indigenous issues;Measurement
Year: 2013
Publisher: Australian Homelessness Clearinghouse
Citation: No. 54
Notes:  This brief resource is a summary of a much longer report commissioned by the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) on Indigenous homelessness in regional Australia. The major report followed a series of five research reports which looked into various aspects of this issue including the effectiveness and appropriateness of service responses in regional Australia.

This summary presents key points of the research, gives an overview of all five reports, and sums up the findings contained in each of the reports in the series.
Physical description: 2p
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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