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Record ID: af4c346f-d03d-487b-abe2-ecd7d9bde5ef
Type: dvd
Title: Yajilarra : to dream : Aboriginal women leading change in remote Australia [DVD]
Authors: Hogan, Melanie
Latimer, Jane
Keywords: Drug and alcohol misuse;Peer education;Regional rural and remote areas;Community attitudes;Community education;Impact on children and young people;Health;Indigenous issues;Community development
Year: 2009
Publisher: Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre, Fitzroy Valley
Notes:  General Overview: The success of a campaign led by local Indigenous women in having a ban placed on the sale of full strength alcohol in the remote Western Australian Community of Fitzroy Valley is documented in this DVD .The campaign was initiated in response to high levels of family violence and alcohol abuse in the community.

Discussion: In 2007, Aboriginal women from the four language groups that make up the Fitzroy Valley Community met to find solutions to their community’s problems of high rates of alcohol abuse and family violence. The meeting was also initiated in response to fifty funerals that took place over the period of one year and thirteen suicides in thirteen months.

Through the Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre, the women of Fitzroy Valley advocated for the banning of full strength alcohol in Fitzroy Crossing. They consulted widely with the men in their community and with community leaders. Whilst this campaign was not without conflict, they were ultimately successful. Currently, only light beer [that with less than 2.7% ethanol] can be purchased to take away in Fitzroy Crossing.

This community-led ban on full strength alcohol has resulted in a 43% reduction in domestic violence reports, a 55% reduction in alcohol related hospital presentations, an increase in school attendance levels and an 88% reduction in the amount of alcohol purchased.
Physical description: 1 DVD
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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