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dc.contributor.authorWilkinson, Kathen
dc.contributor.authorBerry, Vashtien
dc.contributor.authorStimson, Annaen
dc.contributor.authorFarr, Ninaen
dc.description.abstractChildren exposed to domestic violence are at risk for a range of psychosocial difficulties, which may be mitigated by improving<br/ >their caregiver’s mental health and capacity to parent. Life coaching is a promising behaviour change approach for improving the<br/ >empowerment, efficacy and well-being of carers who are parenting alone following domestic violence. This study evaluated the<br/ >feasibility of a novel life coaching programme. Using a pre- post-test design, the Family Vision© (FV) programme was<br/ >implemented in two community settings. The programme was offered to single mothers with experience of domestic violence.<br/ >Feasibility data were collected using satisfaction forms, semi-structured interviews and focus groups with parents, facilitators and<br/ >managers. Mothers’ self-reports about their mental well-being; empowerment and self-efficacy were collected, as well as the<br/ >quality of their parent-child relationships and children’s psychosocial functioning, using standardised measures at baseline and<br/ >end of programme. The programme was found to have good acceptability for this population of parents and was considered<br/ >feasible to deliver in the two community settings where it was piloted. There were indications that women who completed the<br/ >programme had improved mental well-being, as well as improved empowerment and efficacy by the end of the programme. The<br/ >FV programme is feasible to implement and could support positive change for single parents with respect to their mental health<br/ >and capacity to parent effectively. Demonstrated mediators, these effects could also promote children’s health and well-being.<br/ >Feasibility for a randomised trial and wider scale-up in the community is now required.en
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Family Violenceen
dc.titleAssessing the Feasibility of a Parent Life Coaching Intervention to Support Parents and Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence and Abuseen
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Family Violenceen
Appears in Collections:Reports

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