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Record ID: efc78f3b-de5d-4a0a-aaf2-ee6920812519
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dc.contributor.authorWilkinson, Joen
dc.contributor.authorParadine, Kateen
dc.format86 p.en
dc.publisherHome Officeen
dc.subjectCriminal justice responsesen
dc.subjectRisk factorsen
dc.subjectInteragency worken
dc.titleResearch and literature review, protection and accountability : the reporting, investigation and prosecution of domestic violence casesen
dc.subject.keywordElectronic publicationen
dc.description.notesThis literature review was conducted to look at the investigation and prosecution of domestic violence-related offences in the UK. It covers UK and relevant international research on:<br/ >* the extent of domestic violence and domestic homicide (financial costs and risk factors);<br/ >* the UK legal and policy framework for domestic violence, especially the criminal justice system;<br/ >* survivors’ views on services (including voluntary sector responses, women’s refuge movement and issues relating to service-user consultation and safety planning);<br/ >* multi-agency responses involving the criminal justice system, role of multi-agency partnerships, assessing and managing risks, information sharing, institutional audits and fatality reviews;<br/ >* police responses such as reporting, recording, arrest policies, investigation and evidence gathering; prosecution responses such as policies and practice, issues of evidence and the victim’s role in the process; court and judicial responses such as sentencing and connections between criminal, civil and family legal systems;<br/ >* and key questions for future research and gaps in current knowledge.<br/ >This review identified the need for effective monitoring and evaluation as based on the ability of systems to track domestic violence cases between agencies to assess the effectiveness of responses. There is a need to develop comparative research strategies and learn from experiences of other jurisdictions in Europe and other parts of the world. Future research also needs to examine the impact of multi-agency responses in the criminal justice system. Three core principles are suggested for guiding the measurement of the effectiveness of domestic violence interventions:<br/ >1. The increased safety of adult and child victims, including a reduction in repeat victimisation and domestic homicides;<br/ >2. The reduction and prevention of domestic violence by holding perpetrators accountable and educating future offenders; and,<br/ >3. The increased satisfaction of victims and children (the importance of survivor consultation).<br/ >Both ‘sanctions’ for perpetrators and ‘sanctuary’ for victims were argued to be essential.en
dc.description.physicaldescription86 p.en
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