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Record ID: 5be34445-0740-44d5-9bdc-669cc9a6d8a1
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dc.contributor.authorGovernment of Western Australia, Department for Community Development, Family and Domestic Violence Unit, Office of Crime Prevention, and the Australian Bureau of Statisticsen
dc.format137 p.en
dc.publisherGovernment of Western Australiaen
dc.subjectInteragency worken
dc.titleFamily and domestic violence : across government data collection project : phase 1: identification of data sources within Government agencies providing human services to the people of Western Australiaen
dc.subject.keywordWestern Australiaen
dc.description.notesCopies ordered from <a href=""TARGET="_blank"></a><br/ >This report outlines Phase 1 of the Across Government Data Collection Project to look at the prevalence and nature of family and domestic violence in Western Australia, as an outcome of the Western Australian Government’s Family and Domestic Violence State Strategic Plan. The project is made up of 3 phases. Phase 1 identifies and describes data sources within State government human services agencies. Nine such agencies participated: Department of Justice, Western Australian Police Service; Department of Housing and Works; Department of Education and Training; Department for Community Development; Legal Aid; Department of Health; Department of Indigenous Affairs; and Disability Services Commission. The main aims of Phase 1 are the identification of: agency definitions of family and domestic violence; agency data sources relating to family and domestic violence; agency data needs relating to family and domestic violence (prioritised); of gaps in agency data on family and domestic violence; of key indicators for family and domestic violence; and to provide limited relevant literature research. Description of each agency’s data sources is given. The sharing of information and the better use of data already held are found to be the main agency needs. The most significant gap in data collections is the level of unreported incidents. Another major gap is a mandatory ethnic identifier for family and domestic violence cases including Aboriginal and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Only the headline indicators (high level measurement of the extent of family and domestic violence) have been identified in this Phase. Agencies identified 13 main indicators (with 36 subcategories under different themes). The main themes are: family and domestic violence incidents; restraining orders; perpetrators; family and domestic violence homicides; hospital admissions as a result of family and domestic violence; people seeking assistance for reasons related to family and domestic violence. General recommendations include: legislation to enable government human services agencies to share data; agencies to ensure their ‘working’ definition of family and domestic violence is consistent with the definition in the Acts Amendment (Family and Domestic Violence) Act 2004; separate data into intimate partner violence and family violence if possible; exploring the possibility of linking different government agency data using unit record level data; and working toward all State government human services data collection forms to contain standard core information which can be matched to compare across agencies. Specific agency recommendations are also made.en[Perth]en
dc.description.physicaldescription137 p.en
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