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Record ID: c6eb0ccc-fffb-4c13-9050-dc9b308e5c4e
Type: Report
Title: Violence against women Australia says no : campaign information bulletin No. 2 -2005
Authors: Office for Women
Keywords: Community education;Prevention
Year: 2005
Publisher: Office for Women
Notes:  This newsletter from the Office for Women aims to update non-government organisations and other parties about the Australian Government’s ‘Violence Against Women: Australia Says NO:’ campaign. It provides information on the campaign (advertisements, television programming, magazines, outdoor venues, cinema, Indigenous press, non-English speaking background newspapers); and how to give feedback about the Helpline. Sunday 24 July 2005 was the start date for the re-run of the campaign, targeting people aged 16 to 39. It also outlines the steps of using Just Look, an online national database of agencies and services details, for referrals and contacts by Lifeline telephone counsellors, to give free confidential 24-hour access to services around Australia. The Women’s Safety Agenda, with regard to funding on 7 key initiatives to reduce domestic violence and sexual assault, is included.
Physical description: 5p
Appears in Collections:Reports

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