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Record ID: b60d7037-fd09-411f-9f67-d5c63b9748c1
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Type: Report
Title: Domestic violence against older women final technical report
Authors: prepared for The National Institute for Justice by The Center on Aging of Florida International University
Keywords: Older people
Year: 2005
Publisher: Center on Aging, North Miami, FL
Notes:  Overview: This report from the United States presents findings from a project examining violence against older women.
Methodology: Focus groups were used to obtain qualitative data which was then analysed using ATLAS – a computer assisted qualitative data analysis program. Twenty one focus groups were held with 134 women in groups of varying combinations of ethnic background, age, income level and the presence or absence of prior domestic violence victimisation. These women were asked about their views on the causes of domestic violence, reporting, interventions, consequences for perpetrators, factors that prevent help-seeking from the justice system and community agencies, and acceptable or desirable outreach and intervention strategies.

* domestic abuse encompasses emotional, physical and sexual abuse
The authors propose a quantitative study to clarify and confirm the model described in the paper
Physical description: 171 p.
Appears in Collections:Reports

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