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Record ID: ccbc667d-d4a0-42dd-a2a4-02c2c9ed817a
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Northern Territory court-mandated pilot program for offenders of domestic violence and Aboriginal family violence
Other Titles: Best Practice Interventions in Corrections for Indigenous People Conferenc[cut]
Authors: Castillon, Ian
Manners, Chris
Keywords: Prevention;Perpetrators
Year: 1999
Notes:  General Overview: :This conference paper briefly outlines the content of a pilot program for family and domestic violence perpetrators in the Northern Territory, Australia.

Discussion: :This paper outlines the aims of the pilot program for family and domestic violence perpetrators in the Northern Territory, the consultation process that was undertaken, the resources allocated and the topics covered. It summarises some difficulties that have arisen in implementing the program. Evaluation measures are identified and the program will be evaluated at six and twelve months, post program.
Physical description: 6p
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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