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Record ID: 6fc05017-7f07-46f0-9b84-d3e20576a236
Type: Conference Paper
Title: Services in Massachusetts & ideas on identifying an abuser
Other Titles: Out of Limbo : First National Conference on Violence in Lesbian Relationsh[cut]
Authors: Baum, Anna
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 1997
Publisher: Out of Limbo
Notes:  The author presents the Safe Transitions project implemented at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre and the available services for lesbians who experience domestic violence in Massachusetts, US. She points out the importance of determining if the person requesting assistance is the perpetrator or the victim. Partners of abusers might not be safe when accessing the same services that are assisting the abuser.
Physical description: 82 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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