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Record ID: 946a1f9c-c260-4c5f-a3ec-d5964acdc0cb
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Preventing the abuse of older people
Other Titles: Elder Abuse Forum, 26-27 February 2000 [electronic resource]
Authors: Families, Youth and Community Care Queensland
Keywords: Community development;Older people
Year: 2000
Publisher: Queensland Law Society
Notes:  This paper outlines the Queensland Government's responses to abuse of older people. The former initiatives and current projects undertaken by the Office of Ageing are discussed. Particular attention is drawn to the following issues: terminology; mandatory reporting of elder abuse; legal protection against family violence and abuse by informal carers; and the media's role. A brief background to current responses and the guiding principles of the Department are also provided.
Physical description: Text and graphics; 7 p.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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