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Record ID: 8a36d519-3c4c-4d2c-8c74-e4c781130990
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Elder abuse: a consumer's perspective
Other Titles: Elder Abuse Forum, 26-27 February 2000 [electronic resource]
Authors: Ordish, Coral
Keywords: Older people;Community development
Year: 2000
Publisher: Queensland Law Society
Notes:  This paper proposes a holistic approach that involves clients, carers and service providers to address elder abuse. General medical practitioners should be trained to detect, refer and report – as mandatory reporting – elder abuse. Legal professionals need to educate older people on their rights; clear guidelines on determining capacity should be established; and ‘elder law’ must be included as a subject in the university curriculum. To overcome deficiencies in domestic violence legislation in Queensland, family members, friends, acquaintances and carers need to be included in a non-spousal provision. It is also suggested that the media should actively participate to heighten awareness of elder abuse.
Physical description: Text and graphics; 3 p.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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