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Record ID: 26d393b9-030e-4ca7-8534-2a22c6b40f73
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Police response to domestic violence in Taiwan and England
Other Titles: Third Australasian Women and Policing Conference: Women and Policing Globa[cut]
Authors: Yu, Mei-Kuei
Keywords: Cross-cultural;Policing
Year: 2002
Publisher: Australian Institute of Criminology
Notes:  This paper presents comparative research that examines the experiences of battered women during their contact with police services in Taiwan and England. Forty women were interviewed at refuges in the cities of Taiwan and Canterbury between July 2000 and March 2001. Six Taiwanese police officers also provided information. The findings are divided into: asking for help, reasons for not asking for help, referrals, women’s satisfaction with the service, and expectations of the police service. An overview of police responses to domestic violence in both countries, including legislation, attitudes, incidence of arrest and training, is also presented.
Physical description: 20 p.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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