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Record ID: 33e5075d-a3ed-4ad1-b196-271ab992c47c
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Policing violence against women nationally - what national structures? what national coordination?
Other Titles: Second Australasian women and policing conference, 7-9 July, 1999, Emmanue[cut]
Authors: Tynan, Melinda
Keywords: Policy;Policing
Year: 1999
Publisher: Australasian Council of Women and Policing Inc.
Notes:  Proposes a range of strategies for the development of a nationally-coordinated police response to violence against women, arguing that despite international recognition of domestic violence as a human rights issue, it remains poorly managed, poorly regarded and poorly resourced at a national level, compared to other kinds of crime. A background to relevant human rights instruments and projects is provided and comparisons between police responses to domestic violence and other forms of criminal activity, such as car theft, are drawn. Advocates for a National Police Violence Against Women Unit with the capacity to monitor and evaluate police responses to domestic violence across Australia.
Physical description: 10p
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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