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Record ID: 0d34bda1-9336-4a1c-8079-43eba1bbaa38
Web resource:,J.Sheehan,J.Meurs.pdf
Type: Conference Paper
Title: 'Doing it differently': bringing sexual assault and domestic violence together in rural Victoria
Other Titles: Seeking solutions : Australia's inaugural domestic violence and sexual ass[cut]
Authors: Sheehan, Joanne
Flanagan, Judy
Meurs, Carla
Keywords: Regional rural and remote areas;Interagency work
Year: 2001
Notes:  Archived at the National Library of Australia as part of the Pandora Programme at:
The Loddon Mallee Specialist Services Network is a formal service collaboration between EASE (Emergency Accommodation Support Enterprise) Domestic Violence Outreach Service, based at Bendigo, The Centre Against Sexual Assault – Loddon Campaspe Region, based in Bendigo and the Mallee Sexual Assault Unit and Mallee Domestic Violence Service based in Mildura. The Network has developed a collaborative service delivery model for sexual assault and domestic violence, which provides a continuum of service response. This paper focuses on the development of this Network and its work in three areas. These are a Family Violence Prevention Network, the After Hours Crisis Responses, and the development of a regional model of service provision for domestic violence.
Physical description: 10p
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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