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Record ID: 926de8ff-5298-496b-aa8f-5006fbbb923c
Web resource:,Judy.pdf
Type: Conference Paper
Title: Rebuilding battered women’s positive sense of identity: a case study
Other Titles: Seeking solutions : Australia's inaugural domestic violence and sexual ass[cut]
Authors: McHugh, Judith M
Keywords: Counselling;Theories of violence
Year: 2001
Notes:  Archived at the National Library of Australia as part of the Pandora Programme at:
Many agencies that work with battered women provide services up to the point where the woman has left her batterer and secured independent housing and income. Whilst these are critically important steps for battered women, they are not the end. Instead, they mark the beginning of a profound struggle for women to come to terms with their experience, build a positive sense of identity, and achieve a sense of wholeness. This paper briefly outlines the psychological process for thought reform or brainwashing experienced by many women, and explains how this theory is valuable for assessment and intervention with battered women. A case study illustrates both assessment and intervention.
Physical description: 16 p.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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