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Record ID: d5012ea7-a010-41d2-bc8c-4169bdebbf1a
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Defining elder abuse and the consequences
Other Titles: Elder Abuse Forum, 26-27 February 2000 [electronic resource]
Authors: Bulbeck, Patricia
Keywords: Legislation analysis;Older people
Year: 2000
Publisher: Queensland Law Society
Notes:  This conference paper gives a brief overview of elder abuse and its relationship to domestic violence. Discusses the exclusion of elder violence from the Queensland Domestic Violence Act (the only state which excludes elder abuse in its domestic violence legislation) and the need for elder abuse to be included as a form of domestic violence. Outlines the issues related to elder abuse, specifically the fact that older people often lack support, means or mental capacity to report abuse and consequently many incidents of abuse remain unreported. Recommends that further research needs to be conducted in the area as well as further training and education provided to legal and health professionals.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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