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Record ID: d18ed494-edb2-4f43-9b2d-95fa72f3379f
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Elder abuse in nursing homes: how will we ever know?
Other Titles: Elder Abuse Forum, 26-27 February 2000 [electronic resource]
Authors: Hunt, Catherine
Keywords: Older people
Year: 2000
Publisher: Queensland Law Society
Notes:  Looks at the problem of abuse of older people in institutions and nursing homes and discusses the lack of research and information about elder abuse in Australia and the hidden nature of the issue. Argues that there are several reasons that elder abuse is rarely acknowledged, these being: poorly paid carers; little government incentive and money to monitor private nursing homes; older people being less likely to complain because of fear of either being moved from a nursing home or receiving further reprisals; and care providers fearing dismissal. Reports that a lot of the abuse occurs in the daily functioning of caring for residents, such as forced routines, removal of personal power and individuality and being rough with residents whilst attending to them. Recommends that further training and education needs to be provided for health workers and professionals, the adoption of mandatory reporting requirements and the introduction of incentives for developers of such facilities who address social justice implications of nursing home design.
Physical description: Text and graphics
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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