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Record ID: de34f749-bf80-416d-a0a5-5ebc5e77ebdd
Type: Conference Paper
Title: Groups for children who witness family violence
Other Titles: International Forum for Child Welfare annual world conference, world forum[cut]
Authors: Cheng, Lily
Duffy, Alexandra
Keywords: Counselling;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2000
Publisher: Association of Childrens Welfare Agencies
Notes:  Outlines the background to, processes of and evaluation procedures for a group work approach to working with children who witness family violence. The approach is based on a Canadian model developed by Loosley and emphasises the need for collaborative community responses to cases of domestic violence involving children. The content of group sessions is outlined as are the major aims of the project. These include defining violence and recognising it as wrong, learning to express and share experiences, learning to protect oneself from abuse and strengthening self esteem through positive group experiences. Case studies are used throughout to illustrate the effectiveness of the programme and highlight the value of supplementing individual counselling with group therapy. It is concluded that in order to maintain the positive outcomes achieved by the programme, the materials and activities utilised must remain creative and flexible.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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