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Record ID: 43771677-4732-485f-8dbb-252182a8b3a3
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Is stalking legislation effective in protecting victims?
Other Titles: Stalking : Criminal Justice Responses 7 - 8 December, 2000 Landmark Parkro[cut]
Authors: Dussuyer, Inez
Keywords: Stalking
Year: 2000
Publisher: Australian Institute of Criminology
Notes:  Available online
Presents the findings of a Victorian research project exploring the impact of stalking legislation on the criminal justice system over a four-year period and poses the question of whether or not civil and criminal legislative responses have achieved their intended purpose, since their introduction in 1995. The paper is divided into seven sections.
Section 1 provides an overview of stalking legislation in Victoria, other Australian jurisdictions, the USA and the UK.
Section 2 sets out the methodology for the study. A review of local and international literature on stalking conducted as part of the study is presented in Section 3 and the major trends and issues of concern identified are summarised.
Section 4 provides an analysis of police and court statistics on stalking, including prevalence, duration, most common methods of processing offences, location of offence and offender/victim characteristics.
The results of a survey of police and magistrates perceptions of the new legislation is presented in Section 5 and various aspects of their experiences with stalking cases reported.
Section 6 examines some of the trends, identified by the study, in media representations of stalking, both in general articles and more specific ones and assesses the level of coverage given by the media, to the role of the criminal justice system in preventing and/or punishing stalking behaviour.
Section 7 identifies raises several issues of concern emerging from the study and offers suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness of the legislation. Interview schedules and questionnaires are included in the Appendices.
Physical description: 133 p.
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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