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Record ID: d7daf7ce-b796-40da-b6af-8dfb8f8c5b90
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Type: Conference Paper
Title: Stalking, sexual assault, domestic violence: what's in a name?
Other Titles: Stalking : Criminal Justice Responses 7 - 8 December, 2000 Landmark Parkro[cut]
Authors: D'Arcy, Marg
Keywords: Stalking;Legislation analysis
Year: 2000
Publisher: Australian Institute of Criminology
Notes:  Available online
Examines the ‘gendered nature’ of stalking, challenging popular assumptions that stalking behaviour is the sole province of the mentally ill or intellectually disabled. A background to the introduction of stalking provisions in the Victorian Crimes (Family Violence) Act and the criminal offence of stalking in the Crimes Act is provided. Recent Victorian studies, that sought to ascertain the number of intervention orders being made under the amended legislation, are discussed and findings that stalking provisions are being used predominantly to resolve neighbourly, as opposed to domestic, disputes are highlighted. Argues these studies have distorted our perceptions of who is being stalked, how dangerous this behaviour can be and how effective the law and the legal system are in addressing the issue, supporting these assertions through the use of women’s personal stories and the results of studies conducted in the US. Advocates for improved research in this area, particularly in relation to women stalked by partners or ex-partners.
Physical description: 7p
Appears in Collections:Conference Papers

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