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Record ID: 58344739-062a-4717-a913-28272d0241a2
Web resource:
Type: Electronic publication
Title: AVERT family violence training package [website]
Authors: Australian Institute of Social Relations
Keywords: Family law;Training
Year: 2011
Publisher: Relationships Australia (S.A)
Notes:  The AVERT Family Violence Training Package is a multi-disciplinary training resource that has been designed for a range of professionals who work in the family law system. AVERT aims to provide workers within the family law system with a sound and practical understanding of family violence and a stronger capacity for multi-disciplinary collaboration through greater understanding and recognition of the professional roles and their functions. The various training programs outlined in the package range from a number of 2 hour seminars up to a 5 day intensive workshop, aligned to nationally recognised competencies. The package provides a wide range of educational materials that can be ‘mixed and matched’ according to specific professional requirements. AVERT was produced by Relationships Australia South Australia (RASA) and was commissioned by the Australian Government Attorney General’s Department.
Physical description: website
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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