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Record ID: 6c2b3c85-2a14-46e6-9575-e0cd91d02f42
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Type: Electronic publication
Title: Incorporating evaluation into media campaign design
Authors: Potter, Sharyn J
Perry, Brad
Keywords: Community education
Year: 2008
Publisher: VAWnet, Harrisburg
Notes:  General Overview: For over two decades, media campaigns have been used to raise awareness about sexual violence in the United States (US), yet few of these campaigns have been formally evaluated. The authors of this article argue the case in favour of evaluation and suggest ways in which organisations can incorporate evaluation into their campaign design.

Discussion: The authors of this article argue that evaluation is important at all stages of the campaign design process and can help organisations to better define their campaign goals, identify their key message, target awareness and expand beyond their campaign strategy.

In the early stages of the campaign, evaluation can be undertaken through the use of focus groups, prototypes, surveys and pilot studies. Evaluating completed campaigns can be done by using pre-tests and post-tests, conducting a formal experimental trial and measuring the community reaction. The authors note that the internet is a useful tool which can be used to recruit study participants, administer surveys or assess the public’s response to a campaign (e.g. by tracking website usage patterns).

Throughout the paper, the authors draw on examples of campaigns against sexual violence which have implemented cost-effective evaluation strategies. These campaigns include: the Bringing in the Bystander campaign (University of New Hampshire), the Red Flag campaign (Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance), the Netherlands Child Abuse Prevention campaign (the Netherlands), the Voices Not Victims campaign (University of California), and the MyStrength campaign (Men Can Stop Rape in Washington, DC and California Coalition Against Sexual Assault).
Physical description: 9p
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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