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Record ID: a1960d5b-e599-4bc9-a1b8-0241766caa0a
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Type: Electronic publication
Title: Family violence and the deaf : legal education and information issues : a national needs assessment
Authors: MacDougall, Jamie C
Keywords: Disability;Community education
Year: 2000
Publisher: Department of Justice Canada
Notes:  Overview: This paper reports on a study reviewing the basic needs of the deaf community in Canada with regards to family violence.

The author states that there is a need for increased public education, especially materials in sign language or specifically designed for deaf persons. A system for distribution of these materials and dissemination of information for the deaf is required.

The paper identifies a need for further studies examining the needs of Indigenous deaf people and Francophones and Anglophones in Quebec.
Physical description: 39 p.
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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