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Record ID: aed5cc33-8d3f-415c-ab18-3a2892b5dbc4
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Type: Electronic publication
Title: Criminal domestic violence case processing: a case study of the five boroughs of New York City
Authors: Gavin, Chandra
Puffett, Nora K
Keywords: Specialist courts;Criminal justice responses
Year: 2005
Publisher: Center for Court Innovation
Notes:  Overview: This US paper reports on a study of the specialised domestic violence court that operates in New York City across each of the five boroughs of the city. The study sought to establish the policies and practices of the courts, their underlying rationale and to examine the strengths and weaknesses by surveying and interviewing stakeholders.

The paper includes a literature review, descriptions and comparisons of the practices of each of the courts and a discussion of the perceptions of stakeholders. The majority of stakeholders endorsed the specialist courts, citing a significant improvement in the criminal justice response to family violence. Improvements were cited in victim safety, defendant accountability, increased and specialist training available to staff and judges, more consistent case handling and better monitoring of offender behaviour. Limited resources were identified as the key challenge, and respondents identified a need for further research and more information regarding long term outcomes for victims and defendants.
Physical description: 62 p.
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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