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Record ID: 5ee8b5a5-92de-499d-abaf-c1e13165f86b
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Type: Electronic publication
Title: National domestic violence delivery plan : annual progress report 2006/07
Authors: Home Office
Keywords: Criminal justice responses;Interagency work;Specialist courts
Year: 2007
Publisher: Home Office
Notes:  General Overview: :This document reports on the progress made in 2006-07 in implementing the United Kingdom’s National Domestic Violence Delivery Plan.

The actions taken in 2006-07 include the extension of specialist domestic violence courts, screening of pregnant women, work with employers and corporations, training for domestic violence advisors, health workers and police and the development of Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences across the country. Planned actions for 2007-08 are outlined.
Physical description: 51 p.
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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