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Record ID: 026be0e6-b669-483a-8939-700ce2735deb
Web resource:
Type: Electronic publication
Title: The multilingual access model: a model for outreach and services in non-English speaking communities
Authors: Masaki, Beckie
Chung, Christy
Kim, Mimi
Keywords: Training;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Standards;Cross-cultural
Year: 1999
Publisher: The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, Harrisburg
Notes:  Developed by the [US] Asian Women’s Shelter in San Francisco, California, this information pack provides a background to and outline of a Multilingual Access Model (MLAM) aimed at responding to the needs of non-English speaking battered women and their children. Core principles and guidelines for implementing and funding a MLAM are presented and the central role of language advocates is explained. Useful documentation, including MLAM guidelines for staff, language advocate contracts and agency work plans, is also provided.
Physical description: 75 p.
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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