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Record ID: e89cf613-b8dd-4bde-af40-82a6f35f8cf2
DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-09408-8
Electronic Resources:
Type: Journal Article
Title: Effectiveness of ICT-based intimate partner violence interventions: a systematic review
Authors: El Morr, Christo
Layal, Manpreet
Year: 2020
Citation: Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 1372
Abstract:  Intimate Partner Violence is a “global pandemic”. Meanwhile, information and communication technologies (ICT), such as the internet, mobile phones, and smartphones, are spreading worldwide, including in low- and middle-income countries. We reviewed the available evidence on the use of ICT-based interventions to address intimate partner violence (IPV), evaluating the effectiveness, acceptability, and suitability of ICT for addressing different aspects of the problem (e.g., awareness, screening, prevention, treatment, mental health).
ISSN: 1471-2458
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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