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Record ID: da1a7e9b-f8be-4e3f-b329-206caefc2d8d
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Childbirth and COVID-19
Authors: Li, Lily
Owens, Lily
Beasley, Isobel
Zhang, Kathy
Stevenson, Isabelle
Year: 2020
Publisher: Global health Alliance Australia
Citation: Issue Newsletter October 2, 2020
Abstract:  COVID-19 is the clinical syndrome caused when individuals become infected with SARS-CoV-2, and this pandemic has had a significant impact on all aspects of healthcare and society in general.(1) In particular, maternal health, pregnancy care and childbirth have been disrupted. This article explores the biopsychosocial impacts of COVID-19 on women, their children and their families. The authors explore the implications of COVID-19 on maternal and newborn health, the disruptions to care in both Australia and developing countries, and effects on domestic violence.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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