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Record ID: de32d2af-b947-4381-ac2b-7b87ad8ca14d
Type: Journal Article
Title: Understanding the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with traumatic brain injury from family violence in Australia: A qualitative study protocol
Authors: Cullen, Jennifer
Wills, Elaine
Johnson, Yasmin
Fitts, Michelle S
Kingston, Gail
Soldatic, Karen
Keywords: New South Wales;Queensland;Northern Territory;Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
Categories: ANROWS e-newsletter February 2023
Year: 2023
Publisher: MDPI
Citation: Volume 20, Issue 2
Abstract:  Globally, there is growing recognition of the connection between violence and head injuries. At present, little qualitative research exists around how surviving this experience impacts everyday life for women, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. This project aims to explore the nature and context of these women’s lives including living with the injury and to identify their needs and priorities during recovery. This 3-year exploratory project is being conducted across three Australian jurisdictions (Queensland, Northern Territory, and New South Wales). Qualitative interviews and discussion groups will be conducted with four key groups: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (aged 18+) who have acquired a head injury through family violence; their family members and/or carers; and hospital staff as well as government and non-government service providers who work with women who have experienced family violence. Nominated staff within community-based service providers will support the promotion of the project to women who have acquired a head injury through family violence. Hospital staff and service providers will be recruited using purposive and snowball sampling. Transcripts and fieldnotes will be analysed using narrative and descriptive phenomenological approaches. Reflection and research knowledge exchange and translation will be undertaken through service provider workshops.

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