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Record ID: 89c5ecde-2402-4903-aef7-f839568e29cf
Type: Journal Article
Title: Recognising and responding to domestic and family violence in general practice
Authors: Lynch, Johanna
Victoire, Anousha
Stone, Louise
Keywords: General practitioners
Topic: Health, primary care and specialist service responses
Year: 2022
Publisher: Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Citation: Volume 51
Abstract:  Background
Domestic and family violence (DFV) is often difficult to recognise despite its high prevalence in the community. General practitioners require specialised skills to elicit a history of DFV, remain aware of the complex patterns of DFV, respond to potential risk and maintain engagement as part of a team involved in ongoing care.

The aim of this article is to outline the principles of recognising, responding, referring, recording and reflecting on care for those who may be experiencing DFV.

GPs have unique opportunities to identify, assess and respond to DFV because of the trusting therapeutic relationships they develop with patients. Managing DFV requires a safe place to disclose, skilled risk assessment, careful documentation, safety planning and ongoing therapeutic processes that soothe, validate, empower and connect to wider social supports. Trauma-informed general practice is a key element of integrated systems responses to DFV in our community.
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