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Record ID: 1016c162-13c2-42e4-b5ea-4a60e17d0506
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Type: Fact sheet
Title: Engaging Men From Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention
Authors: Villadiego-Logge, Louella
Taranto, Naomi
Peckham, Lucy
Institutional author: Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
Keywords: Practice Guide;Primary Prevention;Multicultural Communities;Faith-Based Communities;Gender Equality;Family Violence;Community Engagement;Intervention
Topic: Primary prevention
Population: Culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Migrants and refugees
Year: Jun-2024
Abstract:  This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network. This network is a group of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, and is funded through the Victorian Government, Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Program.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources

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