Educational tools, guidelines & resources : [236] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Desc order): 1 to 20 of 236
2015National Outcome Standards for Perpetrator InterventionsCommonwealth of Australia (Department of Social Services)Report 
2006Men’s behaviour change minimum standardsFamily Safety VictoriaReport 
2021MARAM practice guides: Foundation knowledge guide – Guidance for professionals working with child or adult victim survivors, and adults using family violenceFamily Safety VictoriaReport 
2020The evaluation guide: A guide for evaluating behaviour change programs for men who use domestic and family violenceNicholas, Angela; Ovenden, Georgia; Vlais, RodneyReport 
2025Communicating with purpose: A guide to gender-based violence prevention communication in higher educationOur WatchFact sheet 
Aug-2024Research to practice guidance: Sharing the practice learnings from Engaging in change: A Victorian study of perpetrator program attrition and participant engagement in men’s behaviour change programsFitz-Gibbon, Kate; McGowan, JessFact sheet 
Aug-2024Research to policy guidance: Exploring the policy implications from Engaging in Change: A Victorian study of perpetrator program attrition and participant engagement in men’s behaviour change programsFitz-Gibbon, Kate; McGowan, JessResearch summary 
2024Men as Allies: Online training courseWomen's Health Victoria (WHV)Online resource 
May-2024Engaging with victims and survivors of child sexual abuse: A practice guide for workers and organisationsBreckenridge, Jan; Suchting, Mailin; Hanna-Osborne, Sally; Porteous, JulieReport 
Dec-2020Gambling harm and intimate partner violenceAustralia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)Video 
Dec-2020The dangerous combination of gambling and domestic and family violence against women: Practice guide for gambling counsellors, financial counsellors and domestic and family violence workersFreytag, Corinna; Lee, Jamie; Hing, Nerilee; Tully, DavidReport 
2024It Left No MarksWomen’s Health NSWOnline resource 
Jul-2024Guidelines: Responding to non-fatal strangulation, sexual choking and acquired brain injuryWomen’s Health NSWReport 
ANROWS_Segrave_Migrant_Refugee_Sexual_Harassment_INBRIEF_2024.pdf.jpgAug-2024Migrant and refugee women: A national study of experiences of, understandings of and responses to sexual harassment in the workplace [In brief]ANROWS (Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety)Report 
2024Communicating for Connection: Values-Based Messaging for Primary Prevention in Multicultural and Faith-Based CommunitiesMulticultural Centre for Women’s Health; Safe and EqualReport 
Aug-2024Improving cultural safety: Recommendations for child protection practitionersMcVicar, Kaitlyn; White, Stephanie; Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)Report 
Aug-2024Finding the best contraceptive options for people experiencing Reproductive Coercion and Abuse (RCA)Children by Choice Association Inc.; Children by Choice Association Inc.Fact sheet 
Jun-2024The Family violence workforce health, safety and wellbeing guideVictorian GovernmentOnline resource 
REACH Practitioner Guidelines (PDF).pdf.jpgJul-2024The REACH Project: Practitioner GuidelinesMcLindon, Elizabeth; McKenzie, Mandy; Webster, Amy; Hargrave, Jen; Turner-Myatt, Phoebe; Maltzahn, Kathleen; Tarzia, LauraReport 
National-plan-to-respond-to-the-abuse-of-older-australians-elder.pdf.jpg2019National Plan to Respond to the Abuse of Older Australians (Elder Abuse) 2019–2023Council of Attorneys-General (CAG)Report 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Desc order): 1 to 20 of 236