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Record ID: 08de5729-b934-4a3c-b422-079a7b0641c6
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Type: Report
Title: The evaluation guide: A guide for evaluating behaviour change programs for men who use domestic and family violence
Authors: Nicholas, Angela
Ovenden, Georgia
Vlais, Rodney
Keywords: Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation;Practice Guidelines and Protocols;Practitioner Resources;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Domestic and Family Violence (DFV);Behaviour Change Programs;Pathways into and out of Perpetration;Perpetrator Interventions
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Population: People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2020
Publisher: Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)
Abstract:  This guide provides a comprehensive resource for evaluating Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs) designed for men who use domestic and family violence. Developed as part of the ANROWS research project Development of a best practice guide to perpetrator program evaluation, it offers a practical framework for practitioners and evaluators. The guide outlines key steps in evaluation readiness, program logic development, methodological approaches, and ethical considerations in evaluating MBCPs. It emphasises the importance of measuring program effectiveness through multiple indicators, including victim and survivor safety, perpetrator behavioural change, and integrated service system responses. The guide also explores challenges in evaluating MBCPs, such as measuring unintended consequences, ensuring program fidelity, and assessing risk management processes.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:ANROWS Publications
Educational tools, guidelines & resources
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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