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Record ID: 93e28b5c-8fb2-482f-9647-84307beb962c
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Type: Report
Title: Men’s behaviour change minimum standards
Authors: Family Safety Victoria
Keywords: Practitioner Resources;Practice Guidelines and Protocols;Risk Assessment Tools;People who use Domestic, Family, or Sexual Violence;Behaviour Change Programs;Perpetrator Interventions
Topic: Perpetrator interventions
Population: People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: 2006
Publisher: State of Victoria
Abstract:  This practice guide outlines the Men’s Behaviour Change Minimum Standards, which set the framework for Victorian Government-funded men’s behaviour change programs (MBCPs). The standards establish consistent requirements for program priorities, design, delivery, evaluation, and staffing to ensure a system-wide approach to perpetrator accountability and victim safety. Grounded in the Victorian Principles for Perpetrator Interventions, the standards define the key elements of effective intervention, including risk assessment and management, inter-agency collaboration, and workforce development. The guide distinguishes MBCPs from anger management programs and counselling, reinforcing their focus on addressing coercive control and gendered patterns of violence. It also details workforce qualifications, training requirements, and professional development standards for facilitators. These minimum standards serve as a benchmark for evaluating existing programs and inform the future development of perpetrator interventions within Victoria’s integrated family violence system.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources
Men’s Behaviour Change Programs (MBCPs)

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