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Record ID: 173711ae-efd0-4765-89d0-a1e41664b21b
Electronic Resources:
Web resource:
Type: Fact sheet
Title: Communicating with purpose: A guide to gender-based violence prevention communication in higher education
Authors: Our Watch
Keywords: Primary Prevention;Schools and Education;Gender Inequality;Children and Young People;Practitioner Expertise;Knowledge Translation
Topic: Children and young people
Gender relations, gender norms and attitudes
Primary prevention
Systems responses
Population: Children and young people
Year: 2025
Abstract:  This practice guide provides comprehensive strategies for higher education institutions to address gender-based violence through effective communication. Developed by Our Watch, the guide highlights the role of communications professionals in shaping cultural change, advancing gender equality, and promoting primary prevention within universities. It covers topics such as messaging consistency, addressing the gendered drivers of violence, engaging leadership, and incorporating an intersectional approach. The guide also offers practical tools, including tips for engaging men, responding to resistance, and embedding lived experience into communications ethically. Designed as part of the Educating for Equality framework, this resource aligns with the broader mission of preventing violence before it starts.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Educational tools, guidelines & resources
New Australian Research: January 2025

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