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Record ID: 4be61966-1151-42e0-bbf5-f5f4cbe09383
Web resource:
Type: Online resource
Title: Contraception and reproductive coercion and abuse: online screening tool and information portal
Authors: Children by Choice Association Inc.
Institutional author: Children by Choice Association Inc.
Keywords: Reproductive Coercion and Abuse (RCA);Domestic and Family Violence;Intimate Partner Violence;Reproductive Violence;Sexual Health;Family Planning;Reproductive Rights;Coercive Control;Victim and Survivor Resources;Interventions
Year: Aug-2024
Abstract:  The Contraception Quiz provided by Children by Choice is an online interactive tool designed to help individuals who can become pregnant, and the health professionals supporting them, to identify suitable contraceptive methods, especially for those experiencing Reproductive Coercion and Abuse (RCA). The quiz guides users through a series of questions about their personal circumstances, preferences, and safety considerations to recommend the most appropriate and effective contraceptive methods. The tool aims to empower users with knowledge about their reproductive options and support their safety and autonomy in making informed decisions about their reproductive health.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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