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Record ID: 5c14d35d-94f6-448b-a26c-6c355afa53ee
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Young people's experiences and use of violence in the home: Examining four types of child maltreatment, their intersections and self-reported use of violence in the home
Authors: Meyer, Silke
Atienzár-Prieto, María
Fitz-Gibbon, Kate
Keywords: Child Maltreatment;Domestic and Family Violence;Child Abuse;Child Sexual Abuse;Prevention;Psychological/Emotional Violence;Childhood Experiences of Domestic Violence (CEDV);Adolescent Violence
Topic: Children and young people
Data and statistics
Drivers and/or risk factors of violence
Impacts of violence
Primary prevention
Population: Children and young people
People who use domestic, family and sexual violence
Year: Aug-2024
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: 2, 100051
Abstract:  Child maltreatment has received substantial academic attention. However, little remains known about the intersection of different types of child maltreatment and their association with young people's use of violence in the home.
Overall, 29.9% of participants had experienced at least one form of maltreatment and 16.7% reported experiences of multi-type maltreatment. The most common experiences were childhood experiences of domestic violence (CEDV) (27.3%), followed by verbal/emotional abuse (17%), which both increased the likelihood of also experiencing physical abuse (OR = 5.85 and OR = 10.21, respectively). Cisgender females and children living with a disability were more likely to experience all four types of maltreatment. Experiences of verbal/emotional abuse (OR = 4.56), and CEDV (OR = 4.52) increased the risk of young people's use of violence in the home.
Findings contribute to a growing body of work recognising CEDV as a distinct form of child maltreatment which intersects with other experiences of abuse, including young people's use of violence in the home.
Description: Open access
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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