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Record ID: 9027fe34-f07b-47c7-8f22-c9568a06a560
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Type: Fact sheet
Title: Workplace Sexual Harassment: Survey Data
Authors: Our Watch
Keywords: Sexual Harassment;Data and Statistics;Community Attitudes;Workplace and Occupational Settings
Topic: Sexual harassment
Population: General population
Year: Oct-2024
Abstract:  This fact sheet summarises findings from a 2024 survey conducted by Our Watch to assess workplace attitudes and actions regarding sexual harassment. Surveying 1,500 Australians, including 500 workplace leaders and 1,000 employees, the data reveals significant gaps in awareness and response to workplace sexual harassment, with marked differences between the experiences of men and women. While 70% of male leaders reported confidence that their colleagues would know how to report harassment, only 54% of female leaders and 49% of female employees felt the same. Additionally, confidence in appropriate employer action following reports of harassment was highest among male leaders (79%) and lowest among female employees (54%).

The fact sheet highlights ongoing challenges despite recent legislative changes requiring employers to take proactive steps under a "positive duty" to prevent workplace sexual harassment. The survey underscores the need for targeted workplace reforms to foster safe reporting environments and ensure compliance with legal obligations, with a particular focus on bridging gender gaps in safety perceptions
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:General Resources

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