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Record ID: 45febc3f-ed33-423f-9b7d-6f9f8cc73137
Web resource:
Type: Online resource
Title: The Change Academy: Learning Hub
Authors: The National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse
Keywords: Trauma-Informed Care;Children and Young People;Sexual Violence;Child Abuse and Neglect;Training and Professional Development;Practitioner Resources
Topic: Sexual violence
Trauma and DFSV-informed, victim-centred systems
Population: Children and young people
Year: 2024
Abstract:  The Change Academy serves as the professional learning hub of the National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse. It offers a range of learning programs designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and confidence of practitioners, organisations, and community members in preventing child sexual abuse and supporting victims and survivors. The Academy provides courses, virtual workshops, and webinars that integrate research evidence, practitioner insights, and lived experience expertise to foster a compassionate and trauma-informed community.
Notes:  Open access
Appears in Collections:Online resource

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